We recently had the opportunity to collaborate with the Jake Couri brand, an up and coming company that sells awesome t-shirts and hoodies. In this project, we wanted to tie in a prominent theme from our 1st ad campaign. We used personal style to promote the fact that the designs are extremely versatile. They can be worn no matter what your personal style is. The result was an awesome campaign to promote the Jake Couri brand. The Jake Couri company plans to expand and offer more styles and types of apparel, so make sure you keep checking back.
I actualy don't think these clothes are that great. They're like every other college student trying to print shirts and hoodies. I'd like to see some creativity every once in a while.
Stitch Society is a street style blog dedicated to following collegiate fashion. We seek independently minded students who are fueling the fashion trends on our campus. We are not here to scrutinize. We are here as a resource. Use us. Borrow inspiration. Stand out. Dress your best, you never know when you'll get Stitched.
We love feedback! Please contact us with comments, questions, and suggestions: StitchSociety@gmail.com
his shirts are so cool!
I actualy don't think these clothes are that great. They're like every other college student trying to print shirts and hoodies. I'd like to see some creativity every once in a while.
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