Monday, November 5, 2007

Fashion Tidbit!

Alright, first things first... Sorry for the lack of posts recently! All of our lives have been really hectic lately, illness has been flying around campus, and frankly, its been really cold. But now that work is subsiding a little bit (and also we got our flu shots) we'll be booting back up full force!

This is going to be a different kind of post, we're going to call it a 'Fashion Tidbit'. We'll bring you the coolest information about fashion happenings so you can slip them into conversation and be perceived as an instant diva. True story.

So here goes:

Fendi this season (Spring/Summer 08 show) was shown at quite an odd location, The Great Wall of China... The Runway spanned 120 meters and was mostly down-hill. Because of how thin the wall is on top, only 2 rows of guests were allowed to be on either side.

Also, check it out on youtube... the music is pretty cool.

(Note:Pictue is not our own, we got it from

1 comment:

jimvdak said...

that was wicked cool!